The art of flower tattoos is just as old as the genesis of tattoo artwork itself. Even if these tattoos look trendy and fashionable across the world, they put across varying symbolism hence people picking a flower design. Designs simply aim to tell a tale worth telling within the individuality. For this reason, it might take a person a whole century to decide on which flower tattoo design meets his or her demands and the one that is able to attain cookie-cutter appeal to people.
The importance of flower tattoos and designs is regarded highly by those ladies dying for a real first body art. The shape and form of the flower tattoo redefines the very tender platitudes carried in the female person. Flower tattoos typically, have been known to represent the womanly nature. However, the meaning of a flower tattoo or design rests on flower genus and color indicated. As a matter of fact, every traditional flower employed brings out its symbolic and characteristic meaning. For instance, the iris leads the pack as it is most regarded after the rose ubiquitous.
When it comes to Christianity, the iris triple petals stood for Holy Trinity while the white and blue iris colors were associated to Virgin Mary. Taking a closer look at the picture of Archangel Gabriel, you spot a flower in one of the hands as he appears to Virgin Mary, which simply symbolizes purity. In England for that matter, women viewed iris to symbolize virtue and interestingly, they adored the iris' image designed into their individualized seal. Talk about the violet, Narcissus and Hyacinth makes the list of beautiful flowers and whose names were derived from mythology of the Greek. Looking at violet, Io nymph is where it got its name and was much adored by Zeus, the Greek god.
It is the same with flower tattoos. Different flower tattoos would evoke a different emotion and therefore a different meaning to the beholder. Not only the women are getting flower tattoos, some men like to ink them too. Most flowers have acquired a consistent meaning over time, but when you combine it with a different object in a tattoo, the meanings get altered altogether. The fact is that flower tattoo designs are going to be popular. Dragons are popular with men but flowers are most sought after by women. Maybe it's the color, or the shape, or the scent of it or a combination of all the senses that makes people want to see, touch and smell it. Flowers can calm a person and gives you a sense of peace.
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